Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Marathon Training | Half Marathon Mark

So as you may know I am currently slowly jogging through my first ever marathon training plan and the start of February has seen my endurance run go up a few notches to around the half marathon mark. It is incredible to think that I have already doubled my distance in just one month from 10k to 14miles, and I have learnt a little bit while pounding the parent in the past few weeks.

Lesson 1: You Are Stronger Than You Think 

For the first time in my life I have actually started to see a change in my body, especially my legs. with every run they get larger, tougher, and STRONGER! Having spent the last few years being small and slim (with virtually no muscle tone) the goal when working out was always just to lose that few pounds of fat around my middle and arms, I never really saw the appeal of muscles....that was until now. There is a strange, overwhelming sense of achievement that I have as I see my legs muscles develop into these powerful limbs.

Lesson 2: You Will Have Good Runs & Bad Runs

Not every run is going to be an endorphins fuelled party like my handful of first endurance runs. As the runs get past the 10mile mark, my body is starting to adapt. I have noticed that the first 5 miles tend to be slow and boring.... but as soon as my muscles get warmed up then I usually get a good few boots along the next couple of miles (especially if my route takes me down a hill). I have also had my fair share of cold & miserable runs with very little to no excitement along the way, but as long as you are making every run count, the bad runs will make the good runs even better.

Lesson 3: The Last 2 Miles Hurt

Pain is inevitable... suffering is optional. This has been my mantra during the last two miles of my endurance runs as the distance creeps up. My legs become exhausted and start to burn, but this is an important part of training your muscles to the limit so they grow and develop. The most important thing to do is just not give up and keep in mind that nest week you are going to be able to run 2 miles more because of the work you put in now!

Are any of you training for the your first Marathon?
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Thursday, 21 January 2016

A New Year | Part 2.....My 1st Marathon

The second major change this year that I am facing is that I am running my first ever marathon. Having only ever run 5k and 10k before this is fast becoming one of the most physically enduring challenges that I have ever faced. The new year has seen a massive increase in distance in my weekly endurance runs. So far I am two weeks into my training schedule that has consisted of two shorter, strength building runs, and then one endurance run at the weekend. Thought the week I am also trying to incorporate some cross training at the gym, but this is has by far been the hardest as I am so used to just cardio work.

Week One
My first endurance run took me along the banks of the not so sunny Clyde in Glasgow. This was a 10k route (6.2 miles) that I had done before when I used to be quite into my running. It felt good to get back out and keep a steady pace, but unfortunately I am quite a bit slower than I used to be. The run took me just under an hour, where I was usually looking at running 10k in around 55-56 mins.

What I took from this first run is that is is important to stretch and warm up/down as my legs were a little stiff after this one.

I also have a good idea that my marathon pace is around 6min / kl. Even if this is slow it gives me something to work on.

Right now My aim is to finish he marathon without injury, and if that also happens to be slow, then so be it!
Week Two
My Second endurance run found me back home in the North East of Scotland as I was visiting my family for the weekend. With bad flooding the previous week, and freezing temperatures I was dreading this run, and not only because it would be the longest distance I have ever run in my life at 13k (8 mies).

I am very blessed to have a Fyvie Loch only a few minutes drive from my family home, so I reluctantly laced up my runners and headed out. around 0.3k into my run I has my first accident. I slipped and fell just coming into a wooded area. with a cut hand and skinned knees I considered getting my phone out and calling for someone to pick me up... but I knew if I had any hope of ever running 26miles... then I could run through this, and I am very glad I did.

Within a 10mins or so the sun came out and the Loch was stunning...even after several laps the ice cold lake and trees were so refreshing compared to running in Glasgow that I enjoyed every minute.

The run was also around the 6min/ kl mark and apart from the last 2 kilometres, i felt strong and steady through most of the run.

As my training journey continues I hope to keep you all update along the way! Also since I am a first time long distance runner, any tips & trips, or good blog or websites that anyone could recommend would be amazing. 

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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

A New Year | Part 1.....Going Vegan

Happy New Year!!

Are we still allowed to say that? I was holding off writing this post until well into January because this post is not about a new years resolution but a lifestyle change that I have been pre-empting for the past few months, and one I plan to stick to for the rest of my life and not just the year ahead, and that is making the Jump from Vegetarian to Vegan.

I started my meat free journey when I was 12 years old when on leaving primary school I made the concise decision that I no longer wanted to eat meat. My youthful decision was down to the basic concept that I didn't understand why as humans we would choose to slaughter and eat animals when we didn't need to. As I grew older, and throughout often having to defend my life style choices in many an argument, I slowly educated myself on farming conditions overseas, the effect that eating animals has on the environment and the major health benefits that comes from removing meat from your diet.

As the years passed and I turned 25, I had now spent more of my life as a vegetarian than I had a meat eater and it was at this point I began making a concise effort again to re-educate myself on matters of the environment, animal welfare and my health. It was also at this point that I came across the documentary 'Cowspiricy', when I realised that virtually all my reasons for being Vegetarian bleed through into Veganism. I discussed the ideas with closes friends and family, and the most I discussed it, the more I knew that if I wanted to live my most ethical life, I had to give up all animal products. Over the next month or two I started to cut down on the animal products I was consuming. I decided that the New Year seemed like the perfect point to make the change for good.

Since then I have been on a food adventure... sampling some great vegan alternatives to various dairy products, trying out Glasgow's impressive (for Scotland) range of Vegan restaurants and emerging myself in vegan online culture. 

I hope now that I can use this space to share this part of my life with vegan food hauls, recipes and vegan beauty. I would also like to say that I am very new at this so any help and advise would be greatly appreciated as I tackle this new ethical lifestyle. 

Hears to a Happy and Healthy 2016
Sarah xXx