Since I am fairly new to the online beauty community I thought this would be the perfect time to answer some beauty questions for you all....
The make up that I'm going to leave behind next year! *sob* |
1. How many times do you wash your face daily?
- Well depending on if I am wearing make up or not or going to the gym i would say 2-3 times a day!
2. What skin type do you have? (Oily, Dry, Combination)
- I would say I have combination to dry skin, i get dry patches on my chin and around my nose!
3. What is your current facial wash?
- I use No. 7 Skin beautiful cleansing water to remove my make up and good old Liz Earl cleanse and Polish to really cleanse my face!
4. Do you exfoliate?
- Yep, roughly 2-3 times a week.
5. What Brand do you use?
- To exfoliate I use Soap and Glory "Scrub Your Nose in it" and a Superdrug own brand exfoliating face mask in raspberry.
6. What Moisturiser do you use?
- Currently I use Olay Touch of Sun shade light in the morning and dark in the evening!
7. Do you have freckles?
- yep... i am a ginger Scot after all :p
8. Do you use eye cream?
- yes, a cream not a gel works better for my bags. Currently using a lovely one from the body shop!
9. Do you, or did you, ever have acne prone skin?
- I have always been bothered by the odd break out since the age of 14 and I still get them now but this is usually due to me eating unhealthy, drinking too much and not taking off my make up
10. What foundation do you use?
- currently my skin has been pretty clear so I have just been mixing some mac pro-long wear concealer in with my face primer. i'm also a big fan of GOSH foundations when i need a little more coverage!
11. How about concealer?
- Couldn't live without it. I use Benefit erase paste for under my eyes and GOSH liquid concealer for high-lighting and covering any redness or blemishes.
12. Do you know your undertone colour?
- My colourings are very cool, with a touch of pink rose rather than orange or yellow based.
13. What do you think of false eyelashes?
- Great on a night out or special occasion but i don't have the time or patients to put them on. They aways make the eyes look amazing in photos though!!
14. Did you know you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
- yes i did... i only agree with this rule for everyday mascara that is being opened and used lots as there will be bacteria build up, for others i think they last a bit longer!!
15. What brand of Mascara do you currently use?
- I have re-found my love of No. 7 mascaras, perfect for day!!
16. Sephora or MAC?
- Got to be MAC at the moment as I live in the UK, I'm moving to Canada in August so watch this space.
17. Do you have a mac pro card?
- Nope!!
18. Do you use a make-up base/primer for the eyes?
- I don't really wear a lot of eye shadow so never felt the need to buy a proper primer!!
19. For the face?
- Yes, I currently use GOSH velvet touch face primer, its almost finished but I have an ELF primer on its way in the post to try out!
20. What is your favourite eyeshadow?
- Pistol by Urban Decay, great for a smokey eye!
21. Do you use pencil or liquid liner? I use a black shadow with liquid liner on top
22. Do you use mineral Make up?
- No
23. What is your favourite lipstick?
- Owww, thats a hard one!! Right now it is NYC Blue Rose
24. What about lip gloss?
- I'm a big fan of any Bourjois lip glosses!!
25. What is your faviourte blush to use?
- Coralista by Benefit
26. Do you buy your makeup on e bay?
- No! i'm alway a bit wary or e bay... unless you have been recommended the seller
27. What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
- hands (for foundation) brushes for blush and eyeshadow/liner.
28. How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
- not really at all now, I used to a lot when I was starting out with makeup
29. What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
- lovely to look at... a lot of hard work (and mess) to apply!
30. Do you like drugstore makeup?
- yep! i would say my make up bag is around 50% drug store / high st.
31. Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
- I used to work as a 'Beauty Spesalist' in Superdrug so got some training then, now its just a bit of fun/obsession of mine!!
32. Are you clumsy in putting on make up?
- still a disaster at attempting winged eyeliner.... i have no idea how people mange to not get eye lines all over the place!!
33. Name a makeup crime that you hate?
- Foundation that is not the correct skin colour or badly blended!! I love most make up looks, they might not work for me but that doesn't mean others can't rock it!!
34. Do you like colourful shades of makeup or neutral ones?
- Give me a bright lip any day over neutral
35. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
- Blake lively, some times its so effortless but she looks amazing all Glam as well.
36. If you could leave the house using just ONE makeup item, what would it be?
- Mascara
37. Could you ever leave the house without makeup on?
- Yes! I would never wear makeup to the gym so lots of people have seen me bare faced... I don't think they always recognise me though :p
38. Do you think you look good without any makeup on?
- I have been told by some that I do but i'm yet to be fully convinced
39. In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?
- Has to be mac, for high end its not painfully expensive, the quality is amazing and the line is always new and exciting!!
40. What do you think of makeup?
- I love it!! for me I love the way you can change your face, your mood, or even the way people around you perceive you! Make up is an indulgence, a mood booster... its not about vanity at all! putting on a Bright lip can being you confidence and colour to your day!!!
phew.... that took a while to type! If you made it to the end i congratulate you!!
Thats all for now